Sobornaya Hill
Streets and Squares
Plyos, Sobornaya Gora Street
It is a "place of power" where you want to stop, slow down and blend into the unhurried and flowing landscape of the Volga River. There is a beautiful view of the Volga River and the historical part of Plyos.

It is the place from where the town started to grow many centuries ago. The remains of the old Plyos berm are still there on the hill. Now there are the town's oldest church (the Church of Resurrection), the monument of Vasily I of Moscow who founded Plyos, and Prisutstvennye Mesta Museum and Expo Center.
Sobornaya Hill
Streets and Squares
Plyos, Sobornaya Gora Street
It is a "place of power" where you want to stop, slow down and blend into the unhurried and flowing landscape of the Volga River. There is a beautiful view of the Volga River and the historical part of Plyos.

It is the place from where the town started to grow many centuries ago. The remains of the old Plyos berm are still there on the hill. Now there are the town's oldest church (the Church of Resurrection), the monument of Vasily I of Moscow who founded Plyos, and Prisutstvennye Mesta Museum and Expo Center.